A few weeks ago, the screen on my phone kinda popped off and I couldn't really use it. We took it in to the Genius Bar, and the Genius we got gave us the genius insight that our options were to buy a new screen or get a new phone. We decided to go for the "get a new phone" option. We went to the Verizon store, and the guy there suggested I get the Galaxy S7, which was cheaper, waterproofer, and overall a better phone than the iPhone 6. I decided to get the iPhone 6, but it got me thinking about why I prefer Apple products over others.
My family is an Apple family. Everyone in the family has an iPhone and a Mac, except for my mom who has to have a PC for work. I'm not entirely sure why we are so devoted to Macs, we just are. What confuses me most about it is that my dad is very computer savvy, and he would probably be better suited with a Linux, and come to think of it, it would probably be very helpful for me in developing my computer skills if I had a Linux too. So why don't we?
Seriously, I am baffled. I looked up lists of why Macs are better, and this is what I found.
The most compelling reasons include "prettier screens," "too many PCs to choose from," and "sturdier, more durable build quality" (I would hope so because they cost like three times as much). Perhaps the only real reason was that they are more secure, but again my family is pretty good with computers so I feel that wouldn't be as much of a problem, and the security gap is becoming increasingly smaller with time. Furthermore, I have had serious issues with my Mac recently, involving it not recognizing the existence of the battery, it being unable to find the startup disc, and it being generally slow and overheating a lot. The geniuses at the genius bar weren't able to do much more than my dad, so right now I have to be careful not to accidentally unplug my computer or it will shut off.
And as I briefly mentioned, Macs are significantly more expensive than PCs of similar ability, so it really seems strange that devoted Mac users are so set on Macs being the best use of their money. I guess they are very user-friendly for most people, but it just seems difficult to defend that they are better enough to warrant the extra dollars.
All this considered, it really makes no logical sense that I would continue to buy Apple products. Perhaps it's simply an issue of familiarity. I had no say in the decision of what kind of computer I got or what my first smartphone was, so I was kind of set up to be stuck with Apple products. What I mean by that is that I am forever inept at operating PC trackpads and can't stand the layout of Samsung phones. I don't see myself overcoming these hurdles any time soon, and I definitely don't see the greater population of Mac users realizing the truth of the matter. Let me know about your computer affiliations and such in the doobly-doo.
Interesting observation. My family does the same thing, only with Samsung. My dad, my mom and I all have Samsung phones, while ,my sister has a Samsung tablet. I had the same predicament when buying a new phone too. iPhones are better for social media consumption as well as taking pictures, both of which I do a lot. However, I opted for the most rugged Samsung device I could get. I tried justifying myself that it would be necessary to have a tough device to stand up to the dangers of the machine shop I work in so often. The truth is I probably just bought it because i like Samsung.the question I have is that how are the love marks created? I never paid attention to Samsung commercials, so I want to see how else they can develop.