I'm not going to pretend that this assignment changed the amount of media I consume, the types I consume, how I feel about the media I consume, or even my mindset about life. What it did do was give me an outlet for thinking about things the way I like to, and force me to write it down every week. I didn't change the way I think, the mindset Mr. Starace has taught us was something I did instinctively, it's just about forcing me to use it more.
I have changed the way I look at specific media, however. I had the right perspective before, just not the specific knowledge to apply it. This class and this assignment have taught me about the specific motives, methods, and effects of media, and I can use these facts as general principles in deductive reasoning. I've learned more about new things to think about than about how to think about things, because I think I've learned that already in other places.
Keeping this blog enabled me to reap the seeds of metacognition. This blog is called Ben Metacognates on the Internet, and that is the most valuable element of this blog from my perspective. Displaying my stream of consciousness for myself and others is a mechanism I use to explore small thoughts of mine and apply them to more situations. I can take the idea that activists should market to those who disagree with them more than those who agree and expand that into a whole new way of fighting for justice. I can cultivate the seed of a connection between Rick and Morty and political correctness and grow it to be an insight into people's true feelings about being PC. I can add to the thread connecting Hamilton and education until it's a steel cable that could support the bridge between education and entertainment in future schools. All of this because I was metacognating. When I wrote down what I was thinking, I was able to take it further instead of just wondering about it now and then during certain classes that shall remain unnamed.
This post is called my reflection in the pool because in a way this blog is like my own narcissistic reflecting pool. I had these ideas, but here I found the perfect outlet to express them permanently. It's as if I finally saw my reflection, and I fell in love with it. It exemplifies the best parts of me, and I can't get enough of my own metacognition. Like Narcissus, I intend to continue gazing at my reflection, although perhaps not until I die, and I will definitely take breaks for food and stuff. The only obstacle is my own laziness, so we'll see how things turn out. I look forward to whatever the future brings as I metacognate until my brain is empty and the blog is filled to capacity. Is it ethical for me to generate revenue through ads?